Start Date: 26.07.2025

Start time 06:00 (Platoul Central)

Download file: 4-Summits-88k-new24.gpx

Your 4 Summits 88k track

4 Summits 88k track is starting from Campulung Moldovenesc (Platoul Central) and is touching twice Rarau summit (1650m) with a loop to Devil’s Mills Gorge and Codrul Secular Slatioara, than heading to Pietrosu Bistritei summit (1793m) and than to Giumalau summit (1857m) with a final tough climb on Runc on the way back to the finish line in Campulung Moldovenesc.

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Race Records

(M): Valentin TOMA (ROM) (2022): 10h25’00”;

(W): Azara GARCIA DE LOS SALMONES (ESP) (2022): 11h55’00”

Aid Stations :

  1. Izvorul Alb km 7 – HC
  2. Rarau (1) ROTARY CETATE SUCEAVA km 14 – AHCP
  3. Slatioara km 27 – AHC
  4. Rarau (2) ROTARY CETATE SUCEAVA km 34 – AHCMP
  5. Zugreni km 43 – AHC Cut-Off time: 09:00h (time of the day 15:00) + equipment check
  6. Pietrosu Bistritei km 50 – C
  7. Rusca km 60 – AHCMP + Drop Bag Cut-off time: 14h (time of the day 20:00) + equipment check
  8. Giumalau km 69 – AHC
  9. Stana Transrarau km 75 – AHC
  10. Paraul Mesteacan km 85 – HC
  11. Runc km 86 – C
  12. Finish Campulung Moldovenesc km 88 – AHC Cut-off time: 24 h

A – aid food (fruits, sweets, salted food), H- hydration (water, iso, cola), C- control (nano system), M hot meal (soup, pasta, rice,…), P – personal assistance , allowed
