Start Date: 27.07.2025

Start time: 9.00 (Cabana ALPIN Rarau)

Bus transfer to start line arranged by organisers (from finish line Platoul Central – booking ONLY ON LINE no later than July 6th)

Download file: Rumble Rock 15k 2023 (1).gpx

Your Rumble Rock 15k track

Starting from Rarau area, this will be the fastest race of the event. You will rumble like a falling rock through 15k with 1240m negative elevation and only 510m positive. The perfect race for everyone no matter the physical condition. You will enjoy the Rarau massif perfect scenery. You’ll spot all 3 summits of the event in one clear view between km 2 and 3.

0 km

Total distance

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Max elevation

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Min elevation

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Total climbing

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Total descent

Race Records

(M): Cristian POP (ROM) (2021): 1h23’33”;

(W): Adelina Elena Panaet (ROM) (2021): 1h41’01”

Aid Stations :

  1. Stana TransRarau km 3 – AHC
  2. Paraul Mesteacan km 12 – AHC
  3. Runc km 14 – C

A – aid food (fruits, sweets, salted food), H- hydration (water, iso, cola), C- control (LiveTrail system)