Start Date: July 25th, 2025  

Start time: 12:00

Download file: bucovina-ultra-rocks-2025-beast-1.gpx

Your Beast 100M track

The BEAST track (167km with 8.950m of elevation) is starting from Campulung Moldovenesc and is reaching Rarau summit (1650m) with a spectacular view on Pietrele Doamnei than heading to Pietrosu Bistritei summit (1793m) after a long descent to Cheile Zugrenilor. Starting than a long downhill up to Paltinis village than heading to Calimani National Park: Iezerul Calimaniului peak (2032m) -Voievodeasa (1852m)- Bradul Ciont (1899m)- Ratitis (2021)- Negoiul Unguresc (2081m) and the last and highest point of the area Pietrosul Calimaniului (2100m). After this trip we go for a long route to Vatra Dornei through Rezervatia Naturala 12 Apostoli- ski slope Vatra Dornei - partia Veverita. Crossing the town and heading Giumalau summit (1857m) than a nice forest route to Transrarau crossing to Obcini, downhill to Paraul Mesteacan than back to the finish line in Campulung Moldovenesc with a final tough climb on Runc (+400m in 1.4km).

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Race Records

(M): Bartha Balint (ROM) (2021): 29h39’13” 

(W): Martina Dvorakova (CZE) (2022): 37h21’55”

Course modified in 2025 from 188k to 168k

Aid Stations :

  1. Varful Rarau km 14 (1.300+) – AHC
  2. Zugreni km 24 (1.300+) – AHC 
  3. Pietrosu Bistritei km 30 (2.400+) – C
  4. Poiana Prislop km 32 – HC
  5. Izvorul Arinului km 48 (3.100+) – AHC
  6. Paltinis km 61 (3.500+) – AHCMP + Drop Bag + Sleep Area (outdoor tents) CUT OFF 14.00 H (time of the day: Saturday 26.07.2025 02:00 a.m.) + equipment check
  7. Cabana Retitis km 85 (5.000+) – AHC (sleep area)
  8. Saua Negoiu km 89 – C
  9. Pietrosul Calimaniului km 92 (5.400+) – C
  10. Poiana Izvoarelor km 95 (5.500+) – HC
  11. Schitul 12 Apostoli km 110 (6.100+) – AHC
  12. Vatra Dornei km 128 (6.700+) – AHCMP + DROPBAG, CUT OFF 36H ( time of the day Sunday 00:00 a.m.) + equipment check (sleep area)
  13. Varful Giumalau km 146 (8.100+) – AHC 
  14. Stana Transrarau km 153 (8.300+) – AHC
  15. Paraul Mesteacan km 163 (8.550+) AHC
  16. Runc km 164 (8.900+) – C 
  17. Finish Campulung Moldovenesc km 167 – AHCM Cut-off time: 46h (Sunday July 27th, 10:00 a.m.)

A – aid food (fruits, sweets, salted food), H- hydration (water, iso, cola), C- control (nano system), M hot meal (soup, pasta, rice,…), P – personal assistance , allowed